Jiong Chen, Kun He, Jing Chen, Yingying Fang, and Ruiying Du. PowerPrint: Identifying Smartphones through Power Consumption of the Battery. (CCF C类期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security 录用 [2020.10.11]
Kun He, Jing Chen, Qinxi Zhou, Ruiying Du, and Yang Xiang. Secure Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption With Constant Client Storage Cost. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security. (CCF A类期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 Future Generation Computer Systems 录用 [2020.09.28]
Jing Chen, Jiong Chen, Kun He, and Ruiying Du. SeCrowd: Efficient secure interactive crowdsourcing via permission-based signatures. Future Generation Computer Systems. (CCF C类期刊)
实验室获得全国大学生信息安全竞赛二等奖和三等奖 [2020.08.19]
- CamSpot:隐蔽摄像头感知及定位系统 ( 二等奖 ,指导老师:陈晶)
- FingerChannel:基于指纹的认证密钥协商系统 ( 三等奖 ,指导老师:何琨)
实验室一篇论文被 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 录用 [2020.06.23]
Cong Wu, Kun He, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, and Yang Xiang. CAIAUTH: Context-aware Implicit Authentication When the Screen is Awake. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (SCI一区期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 录用 [2020.03.31]
Jiping Li, Ning Zhang, Jianbing Ni, Jing Chen, and Ruiying Du. Secure and Lightweight Authentication with Key Agreement for Smart Wearable Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (SCI一区期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 USENIX Security 2020 录用 [2020.03.01]
Cong Wu, Kun He, Jing Chen, Ziming Zhao, and Ruiying Du. Liveness is Not Enough: Enhancing Fingerprint Authentication with Behavioral Biometrics to Defeat Puppet Attacks. USENIX Security. (CCF A类会议)