Yangyang Gu, Jing Chen, Kun He, Cong Wu, Ziming Zhao, Ruiying Du. WiFiLeaks: Exposing Stationary Human Presence Through a Wall with Commodity Mobile Devices. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. (CCF A类期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 密码学报 录用 [2023.10.09]
陈品极, 何琨, 陈晶, 杜瑞颖. 隐私保护深度学习研究综述. 密码学报. (CCF T2类期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 ICSE 2024 录用 [2023.08.24]
Ruichao Liang, Jing Chen, Kun He, Yueming Wu, Gelei Deng, Ruiying Du, Cong Wu. PonziGuard: Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum with Contract Runtime Behavior Graph (CRBG). ICSE.(CCF A类会议)
实验室一篇论文被 PRCV 2023 录用 [2023.08.21]
Ran Yan, Ruiying Du, Kun He, Jing Chen. Efficient Adversarial Training with Membership Inference Resistance. PRCV.(CCF C类会议)
实验室一篇论文被 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 录用 [2023.08.21]
Mei Wang, Jing Chen, Kun He, Ruozhou Yu, Ruiying Du, Zhihao Qian. UFinAKA: Fingerprint-based Authentication and Key Agreement with Updatable Blind Credentials. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. (CCF A类期刊)
实验室获得全国大学生信息安全竞赛一等奖、二等奖和三等奖 [2021.08.31]
- DroneSpot:无人机非法拍摄的感知定位系统 ( 一等奖 ,指导老师:陈晶)
- FINAUTH:基于行为的安全指纹认证系统 ( 一等奖 ,指导老师:何琨)
- 智能隐身衣:视频目标检测规避技术 ( 二等奖 ,指导老师:陈晶)
- SeqShare:面向时序数据的安全共享平台 ( 三等奖 ,指导老师:何琨)
实验室一篇论文被 ICICS 2021 录用 [2021.06.30]
Jing Chen, Peidong Jiang, Kun He, Cheng Zeng, and Ruiying Du. HIAWare: Speculate Handwriting on Mobile Devices with Built-in Sensors. ICICS. (CCF C类会议)
实验室一篇论文被 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 录用 [2021.06.21]
Jing Chen, Xin Chen, Kun He, Ruiying Du, Weihang Chen, and Yang Xiang. DELIA: Distributed Efficient Log Integrity Audit Based on Hierarchal Multi-Party State Channel. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. (CCF A类期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 录用 [2021.06.09]
Jing Chen, Zeyi Zhan, Kun He, Ruiying Du, Donghui Wang, and Fei Liu. XAuth: Efficient Privacy-preserving Cross-domain Authentication. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. (CCF A类期刊)
实验室一篇论文被 INFOCOM 2021 录用 [2020.12.05]
Meng Jia, Kun He, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Weihang Chen, Zhihong Tian, and Shouling Ji. PROCESS: Privacy-Preserving On-Chain Certificate Status Service. INFOCOM. (CCF A类会议)